Toggle on Sequences
CompletedIn 2.10 I miss the ability to toggle sequences off so they won't play during autopilot.
Official comment
Hey there,
We're adding a "Draft" state to Sequences in 2.12. It's in beta at the moment but you can get it here.
To put a Sequence in this mode, simply right-click and click on "Mark as Draft". In this state, this Sequence won't be able to be played, it will be skipped in Autopilot and Cues that reference it will be inactive, but you'll still be able to edit it. If you want to publish it, simply right-click again and click on "Mark as Ready".
Let us know what you think about it and have a nice day!
Thanks for the feedback and sorry that we changed an option you needed.
For info Autopilot only runs through the sequences in one tab, so if you don't want a sequence to be played during Autopilot you can move it to another tab. Would that suit your workflow, or do you need to toggle on/off on the fly? Could you describe your use case please?
Have a nice day!
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Thats a good one copyng and pasting from one tab to another. But recovering the enable/disable sequence would be lovely. Thanks
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Hi Alejandro, thanks for giving your opinion on this!
Could you describe in which case you'd need this option exactly? Is it specifically to prevent a sequence from playing during autopilot or any other reason?
Thanks in advance, have a nice day.
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Hi Lea, thanks for answering. Yes, I would say that mostly for the autopilot but didn't tryed the copying and pasting yet. Thanks
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Hi Alejandro,
Ok, thanks for the follow-up!
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Hi Léa,
This "Mark as Draft" feature works great!
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Hey Alejandro,
Great, thanks for the feedback!
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