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LED control AKAI APC 40-20mk1



  • Official comment


    Thank you for your comment.

    We're always on the lookout for feedback so that we can better understand your needs and the direction in which heavyM should evolve.

    Could you please tell us what Synesthesia's features can do for you, so that we can inform our technical team and study the possibility of integrating this type of action. Thank you.

    I remain at your disposal,


  • Stéphane StQuentin

    Hello, I use an AKAI APC40 MK2 and I also have issues to make it follow my needs. I hope there will be more possibilities soon, regarding midi behavior and feedback, because I really want to use a physical interface, OSC is not an option for me. I also use Synesthesia Live (with HeavyM through SPOUT), it works great by the way, and I must admit that they handle better midi, so let's hope HeavyM will also!


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