Audio Reactivity problem
CompletedHi to all
When I select one of the microphones the audio reactivity works fine, but when I select the Stereo Mix (Mezcla Estereo) to have the reactivity from my computer sound I don't get any reaction, I can hear the music but nothing on HeavyM
Is there something else I need to select, install maybe?
Please help
Which version of HeavyM and Windows are you on please? We have managed to use Stereo Mix natively on our side with HeavyM 2.7.0 and Win 10.
Do you have headphones or external speakers plugged in maybe? It seems that in this case it may not work and seems to replicate your issue.
Have a nice day!
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Thank you Léa for the feedback, here's some information on my computer
HeavyM version: 2.7.0
Windows version: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
I typically use the headphone to drive external powered speakers like in the picture below
What's your recommendation?
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Hi again,
Could you try to see if it works without the headphones plugged in please? It seems this is the issue on our side.
I found this forum post that might help you if this is the case.
Have a nice day!
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Thank you Léa, audio reactivity is now working fine.
The solution was a combination of two things: first, followed the recommendations on the video from the forum and second, I lowered the volume on my powered speakers.
The audio volume from my powered speakers was so high that with a very little volume from my computer the output volume to the speakers was very high. But the computer volume level was not enough to drive properly the audio reactivity feature.
So nothing wrong on the HeavyM side, it took a little of setup on the computer and audio levels.
Thank you very much for your support
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No problem, thanks for the follow-up, glad to hear that it works now!
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