Image fit to player
I got a vertical 2485x3000 image to be displayed in a 16:9 player.
This got stretched to fit 100% into the player
Reading this post
I understood is possible to maintain the original aspect ratio dragging the image to the player from Windows explorer, but this way is loosing the player positioning, needed in my case due I didn't want to project over the dancers.
No news on this? Due in View>Background Image Settings there is the option to fit horizzontaly, vertically etc I was thinking this option can be added to the player.
The content is always stretched inside a player, that hasn't changed. We will be adding coordinates & dimensions for shapes in the next 2.13 release (due this summer) so that it will be easier to position players, but it won't change the behavior inside the player.
We're thinking about adding options to stretch/fit content for 2.14 though, it's in discussion.
Have a nice day,
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