Drive shockwave pulse from audio
Last event I have used for the fitst time the possibility to drive shader parameters from the played audio.
A shader I was interested on is the shockwave, but seems it's possible to trigger it only manuyally using the Trigger button
There is any way to connect the shockwave generation to some HeavyM managed parameter, like sinusoidal or audio-controlled
It is not possible to assign an LFO to this parameter to connect it to the tempo or an audio signal from HeavyM. You can only trigger it by clicking on it manually, or externally via MIDI/OSC/Keyboard/DMX.
I'm noting this suggestion!
Have a nice day,
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I'm also interested in this. This is a really cool shader effect! But it doesn't even automatically activate when you first click the sequence with this shader applied. So you have to make 3 clicks: select it on the sequencer, then click on the settings for the shockwave pulse shader, and then click "trigger." Not ideal for quick transitions. If I were to use an external MIDI controller it would be possible to bind this shader effect to a single button press?
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Hi James,
Yes it's possible, you can add the same assignment to a sequence and to the trigger button of this shader in order to control both with 1 click! You can see for yourself by adding a Keyboard assignment to both actions if you don't have a MIDI device at hand, it'll work the same with a MIDI assignment.
Have a nice day,
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James Meyers if you go to the ISF video site and download the original ( it does trigger on entry and has a center variable as well. I have this and if downloaded and the .fs file in the zip download renamed (I used ShockPulse) and copied to C:\Program Files\HeavyM 2\data\Shaders\Postprocessing (default install) it will be available on reload of heavyM. I also copied and renamed the original ShockWave.gif so it has an icon.
Good luck.
Would have attached my files as .zip but this system has no file attach and HeavyM have yet to provide a shared user area for exchange.
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