This article describes all the items in the main Menu Bar. When possible, you'll be redirected to an article with an in-depth description of the feature the item refers to.
File menu
• New [CTRL/Cmd + N]
This opens up a new empty project. You can’t open multiple projects at once so it will replace the active one if you already had a project open (in this case, a dialog box asking you if you want to save the current project before switching will appear.)
The default title for new projects is When a project has some unsaved changes, or if it is new and has never been saved, you’ll notice an asterisk (*) symbol next to its name in the title bar (Windows), or a black dot instead of a cross on the quit button (Mac).
• Open... [CTRL/Cmd + O]
This item lets you open an existing HeavyM project (a file with the .hm extension). It opens up a dialog box that allows you to browse your documents in order to find the desired project.
• Open Recent
This item unfolds a list of recently opened HeavyM projects (up to the last 10). Simply click on one of them to load it.
Note: shortcuts to the four most recently opened projects are also found on the Welcome Window.
• Save [CTRL/Cmd + S]
This option saves the active project to your disk. If the project hasn’t yet been saved once, the “Save as…” dialog box will appear (see below). If it has already been saved at least once, the modifications will be saved by overwritting the project at the location you specified the first time.
When a project has some unsaved changes, or if it is new and has never been saved, you’ll notice an asterisk (*) symbol next to its name in the title bar (Windows), or a black dot instead of a cross on the quit button (Mac).
• Save as… [CTRL/Cmd + Shift + S]
This option saves the active project to your disk. A dialog box will appear, requesting you to browse your documents and select a location where the HeavyM project folder will be created. It has a specific icon and the following structure: it contains a .hm file and a "MediaFiles" subfolder.
It will also let you specify a name for the project, used both for the folder and the file (if you don’t, they will be saved with the default name “New Project”.)
See "Collect & Save and file handling".
• Collect Media Files & Save…
See "Collect & Save and file handling".
• Import Media…
This option lets you import a media in HeavyM. When you select this item, it opens up a window that lets you browse your files in order to find the desired media. Once you confirm your selection, it will be added to the Sources panel.
• Export as Video…
This option lets you export a video of the project organised in the Timeline. See "Exporting a project as a video file [⭐ Pro+]".
• Export as Image…
This option lets you export an instant .jpg screenshot of the rendering, at the canvas resolution. The "Export" folder is located in Documents/HeavyM/ on Windows and User/Library/Application Support/HeavyM on Mac.
• Quit HeavyM [CTRL/Cmd + Q]
This will exit HeavyM. If you have an active project with unsaved changes, a dialog box will appear, asking you if you want to save before closing the software. You can disable this confirmation prompt from Edit → Preferences... → General → Misc.
Note: on Mac computers, this section is accessible from the default “HeavyM” app menu instead.
Edit menu
• Undo [CTRL/Cmd + Z]
This will undo your last action. You can undo up to 100 actions.
Note: settings changes are for the most part not “undoable”. The “undo” option mostly apply to the creation process (creation and deletion of sequences, shapes, group assignments, etc).
• Redo… [CTRL/Cmd + Y] or [CTRL/Cmd + Shift + Z]
This will cancel your last “undo”. You can redo up to 100 actions.
Note: this only works if there are no actions between “undo” and “redo”.
• Preferences… [CTRL/Cmd + ,]
This item opens up the Preferences window, which contains global configuration options for the software, like Cursor color, Layers scrolling options, rendering performances, etc.
Controls menu
• Keyboard Shortcuts List... [CTRL/Cmd + /]
This item opens up a windows with a list of all the keyboard software shortcuts.
• Edit Keyboard Assignments
This item toggles the Keyboard learning interface. See "Controlling HeavyM with a Keyboard".
• Edit MIDI Assignments
This item toggles the MIDI learning interface. See "Controlling HeavyM with a MIDI device".
• Edit OSC Assignments
This item toggles the OSC learning interface. See "Controlling HeavyM with a mobile or tablet via OSC [⭐ Pro]".
• Edit DMX Assignments
This item toggles the Art-Net learning interface. See "Controlling HeavyM via DMX / Art-Net [⭐ Pro]".
• Controls Settings...
This item opens up the Controls window, which, among other options, allows you to choose an active MIDI device and see the list of keyboard or MIDI assignments currently set. More on this in the dedicated section.
Output menu
• Close Output
This will close your projection window(s) (whether they are windowed or fullscreen).
Note: this item only appears when an output window is open.
• Fullscreen
This item allows you to activate a simple fullscreen rendering of your mapping. When you hover over this item, you’ll see a list develop: those are the available screens where you can display your project on. Just click on one to launch the projection. See "Setting up the Canvas and launching a projection".
Note: the numbering of the screens follows that of your OS.
• Windowed
This item allows you to launch the output of your project in a separate window. See "Setting up the Canvas and launching a projection".
• Setup…
This item opens up the Output Setup window. See "Setting up the Canvas and launching a projection".
• Enable Spout/Syphon
This option toggles the Spout (Windows) or Syphon (Mac) output server.
• Enable NDI
This option toggles the NDI output server. [⭐ Pro]
• Show Cursor
This option toggles the display of the Cursor in your output. You can set its thickness and color in the Preferences.
• Show Test Card
This option toggles the display of the Test Card in the output. It can also be toggled from the Output Setup window.
• Show Canvas Geometry
This option toggles the display of the control outlines of shapes (vertices, handles, edges that bear the color of the associated group) in the output (except in Spout/Syphon/NDI textures).
• Show Selection Highlight
This option toggles the display of a highlight of the selection in the rendering (except in Spout/Syphon/NDI textures). Any shape that is selected (or if at least one of its vertices is selected) then turns white (with a transparency if it's only hovered).
View menu
• Show Preview
This option toggles the display of the output of your project in the background of the canvas. By default, it is ON. Know that this feature is resource-intensive and can impacts performance when enabled.
• Show All Centers
This option toggles the display of all Center points (instead of being visible only when their associated faces are selected.) See "Using the Center to control the perspective of effects".
• Show Geometry
This option toggles the display of the control outlines of shapes (vertices, handles, edges that bear the color of the associated group) in the Canvas.
• Show Screens
This option toggles the display of the outline of output Screens in the Canvas.
• Show Image
This option toggles the display of an image in the background of the canvas. You can set the image you want in View → Image Settings....
• Image Settings…
This item opens up a window where you can choose the image to use in the background of the canvas and its display settings.
• Zoom In [CTRL/Cmd + +]
This item increases the zoom percentage in the work area by 10%. See “Overview & Navigation”.
• Zoom Out [CTRL/Cmd + -]
This item decreases the zoom percentage in the work area by 10%. See “Overview & Navigation”.
• Zoom to Fit [CTRL/Cmd + 0]
This item sets the zoom level to 100% and centers the canvas in your window. See “Overview & Navigation”.
• Enable Magnet Snap [CTRL/Cmd + M]
This option toggles the Magnet Tool.
Help menu
• Welcome Window...
This item opens the HeavyM welcome window (the one you get at startup).
• Start Tutorial...
This item opens the HeavyM in-app overview tutorial (the one you get on the very first start). This interactive tutorial helps you learn the basics of the software.
• Online Tutorials...
This item opens the Online Guide from the HeavyM Help Center.
• Online Forum...
This item opens the Forum from the HeavyM Help Center.
• HeavyM Website...
This item opens the HeavyM website.
• Register a License...
This item opens a window that describes the process to follow to register a license.
Note: It only appears in Demo Mode, if you haven't already registered a license. If you already have and you want to register a different license, please unlink first.
• Unlink your License...
This item allows you to perform an unlink, the process used to unregister a license from a computer that frees up a seat on your license. It will first open a dialog box, asking you if you really want to go through the unlink process. For a detailed explanation, see “Managing your license”.
• License Manager...
This opens the License Manager page on the HeavyM website, where you can consult all your license information and order details. You’ll need your license key to access it.
• Check for Updates...
This option will check if there are updates of the software. If you have the latest version available, a simple message will tell you so. If you’re not up to date, you’ll be able to launch the update process.
• About HeavyM...
This item opens a window that, among other things, lets you know which version of the software you’re using, gives you access to online information about the HeavyM Team and legal info about the company behind the software. It also allows us to thank our awesome Kickstarter backers!
Note: on Mac computers, this section is accessible from the default “HeavyM” app menu instead.
• Open Logs...
This opens the heavym.log file in a text editor. This document is located in Documents/HeavyM/Log (or User/Library/Application Support/HeavyM on Mac OS pre-2.12).
Note: if you have an issue with the software, please attach this file with your bug report.